Release Date
9 Aug 2007
2 Apr 2007
31 Mar 2007
Timor protest over digger
by Lindsay Murdoch – The Age
28 Mar 2007

Timor-Leste tackles illiteracy with Cuban help
by Bob Boughton

28 Mar 2007
SEARCH Foundation policy on Timor Leste crisis
Adopted by the SEARCH Committee
19 Mar 2007
17 Mar 2007
27 Feb 2007
Ramos-Horta set to stand for president
by Lindsay Murdoch – Sydney Morning Herald
24 Feb 2007
20 Feb 2007
16 Feb 2007
Gusmao’s chief of staff misses Lobato appearance
by John Loizou – Southeast Asian Times
13 Feb 2007
11 Feb 2007
Alkatiri to sue ABC for role in downfall
by Lindsay Murdoch – Sydney Morning Herald
7 Feb 2007
7 Feb 2007
Police discount rockets as supplied from Australia
by John Loizou - Southeast Asian Times
15 Jan 2007
14 Jan 2007
2 Jan 2007
Situationer from Dili
by Robert Boughton
7 Dec 2006
6 Dec 2006
East Timor’s campaign to defeat hunger
by John Loizou – Southeast Asian Times
27 Nov 2006
Cuba’s gift to East Timor – good health
by John Loizou - Southeast Asian Times
26 Nov 2006
22 Nov 2006
20 Nov 2006

Interview with General Secretary of Fretilin, Mari Alkatiri, in Dili
by John Loizou - Southeast Asian Times

6 Nov 2006
Situation Analysis and Perspectives
by Fretilin Central Committee
20 Oct 2006
19 Oct 2006
21 Sept 2006
2006 Crisis: Chronology of Events
by the Department of Information and Mobilization of FRETILIN
Sept 2006
18 July 2006