The Truth about

The Timor-Leste Democracy Support Network consists of members of the East Timorese community in Australia and their Australian supporters who share the vision and aims of the network.

The overall objectives of the Network are to:

1. Uphold the right of the people of Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) to democracy and national independence, including supporting the democratically elected government of Timor Leste to achieve political and economic independence.

2. Support genuine economic development and environmental sustainability in Timor-Leste, with a focus on gender equality.

3. Support political and other civil society organisations in Timor-Leste which promote these objectives, particularly FRETILIN.

The Network recognises the importance of providing an alternative source of information to mainstream media who have little or no understanding of Timor Leste’s complex social, political and historical context. The Network will use its contacts in Timor -Leste to prepare articles and commentary which identify the real issues confronting Timor-Leste as an emerging democracy.

The Network will endeavour to build and strengthen community ties between the people of Timor-Leste and the people of Australia. The Network will have a particular focus on developing strong ties between the two countries at the grassroots level.

The Network will implement localised projects aimed at capacity building at the grassroots level of Timorese society. The recent political crisis in Timor Leste has highlighted the need for a bottom up approach to economic development as a means to facilitate social justice. The projects undertaken by the group will focus on health, agriculture, education and the advancement of women’s rights at the grassroots level.